Professional Growth / January 7, 2024
Introduction The term “Senior Engineer” is often used in the tech industry, but what does it really mean? What separates a Senior Engineer from a Junior or Mid-Level Engineer? …
Algorithms / January 6, 2024
Sorting Algorithms Bubble Sort Bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms. It works by repeatedly stepping through the list, comparing each pair of adjacent items and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. …
Algorithms / January 5, 2024
Merge Sort in Ruby Merge sort is one of the fundamental sorting algorithms used in computer science. It belongs to the divide and conquer category of algorithms, where a problem is divided into smaller sub-problems that are solved recursively. …
Performance / August 25, 2020
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of teamwork and collaboration. While assembling a team with diverse skills and expertise is crucial, it is equally important to create an environment where every team member feels heard and valued. …
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